"王①⑤〇②⑦⑤⑧①⑧①⑧ 唐山华煜晨化工设备有限公司主要供应设备: 一、美国胜佰德气动隔膜泵,BQG矿用气动隔膜泵及配件 美国威马气动隔膜泵 二、真空泵: 德耐尔干式真空泵 水环真空泵、往复真空泵、水环罗茨机组等整泵和配件 三、换热器: SECESPOL塞斯波换热器 四、纳西姆(原西门子)真空泵及配件的销售及售后服务 " DSV变螺距螺杆真空泵性能优势: ●高压段抽速快,运转功率低,噪音低/High pressure period of pumping speed is fast, low power and low noise. ●可依制程/环境需求选用水冷(防爆)或气冷(防爆)马达/Can choose water in accordance with the process/environment demand (explosion) or air cooled motor (explosion). ●气冷马达机型可搭配自循环冷却系统,能使用在无冷却水系统的环境/Air cooled motor model can match the circulating cooling system, can use in the absence of cooling water system of the environment. ●DSV变螺距系列,耗能低、节能减排、省成本/PD varying pitch series, low energy consumption, energy conservation and emissions reduction, and save cost.